Operating Systems
Practical list
1. Study of Basic commands to understand the system and working of Linux.
2. Write a shell script to print welcome to Marwadi University.
4. Write a shell script to add 3 nos
5. Write a shell script to subtract two nos
6. Write a shell script to multiply four nos
7. Write a shell script to divide two nos
8. Write a shell script to calculate simple interest
9. Write a shell script to find greater from two numbers
10. Write a script to find the smallest of three numbers as well as largest among three numbers
12. Write a shell script to find that the accepted number is Negative, or Positive or Zero
13. Write script that prints names of all sub directories present in the current directory
14. Write a menu driven shell script for Copy a file, Remove a file, Move a file in Linux
15. Shell Script to make a menu driven calculator using case.
16. Write a shell script which will print days of a week
17. Write a shell script to find factorial of given number n.
18. Write a shell script to print all natural numbers from 1 to n.
19. Write a shell script to calculate the Sum of first n Natural Numbers.
20. Write a shell script to print all natural numbers in reverse (from n to 1).
21. Write a shell script to print all even numbers between 1 to 100. - using while loop
22. Write a shell script to print all odd number between 1 to 100
. 23. Write a shell script to enter a number and print its reverse
. 24. Write a shell script to check whether a number is Prime number or not.
25. Write a shell script to print all Prime numbers between 1 to n.
26. Write a script to display the digits which are in odd position in a given 6 digit number in Linux
27. Write a script to check entered string or a number is palindrome or not
28. Write a shell script which will generate first n Fibonacci numbers like: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 13,…
29. Write a shell script to print following pattern11 21 2 31 2 3 41 2 3 4 5
30. Write a shell script to print following pattern * *** *********************
32. Write a script to do the sorting of given numbers (use command line argument).
33. Write a script to reverse a number and string given by user.
34. Write a script to reverse the contents of a file.
35. Write a program for process creation using C. (Use of gcc compiler)
Syallbus = Operating System
Papers of OS