Computer Network


Marwadi University


Subject Code: 01IT0401

Subject Name: Computer Network

B. Tech. Year – II


1.    1 .  Demonstrate Packet Tracer and End point devices and configuration in Packet Tracer.


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2.     2 . Demonstrate basic networking commands.


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3.  3.   Implement different LAN topologies using Network Simulator.

                                   practical link  =  Document


4.4.  Configuration of HTTP Server in Packet Tracer Software and analysis of HTTP request & response messages.


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5. 5. Configuration of DNS Server with Recursive & Interative approach in Packet Tracer Software .


                                practical link  =  Document


6. 6.  Configuration of E-mail Server in Packet Tracer Software

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7. 7.  Implement the concept of static routing.

                                 practical link  =  Document


8.8.  Implement the concept of dynamic routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP).

                                    practical link  =  Document   


9.9.  Implement the concept of VLAN using Network Simulator.

 practical link  =  Document   

1  10 .Configuration of DHCP Server in Packet Tracer Software and analysis of DHCP messages

practical link  =  Document   


    11. Implement the concept of subnetting in Packet tracer and show then ARP protocol activites.

                                    practical link  =  Document   

    12.  Packet capture and header analysis by wire-shark (TCP, UDP, IP)

                                    practical link  =  Document   

     13.  Write a program in C/C++/JAVA/Python for socket programming and share your file from one system to another.


                                         practical link  =  Document
